Quick and Simple Tarot Reading Tips

1. Keep a Record of Your Readings.

Snap pictures, journal your reading question, the
cards you pulled, your interpretation, date
and the outcome.

2. Take time to study.

Studying is essential to learning. You can view my Tarot reading course http://bit.ly/LearnTarotWithEmilie for additional guidance.

3. Practice with small Tarot spreads first.

Using less cards can sometimes be the best way to do readings in the beginning. Drawing many Tarot cards when you are first learning how to read the Tarot can lead to confusion for some.

4. Practice makes perfect

Practice as often as you can. You can practice on friends, family and yourself. Draw a daily card for yourself for guidance for your day, 5 or whatever advice you need at that time, and FOLLOW IT.

Simple Tarot Spreads

Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
3 Card Tarot Spreads
My Daily Reading Tarot Spread
My Daily One Card Tarot Reading Message
The Horseshoe Tarot Spread